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Tama Livestock Auction
April 5 2023
161 HD
High Choice & Prime - 16 HD @ 177-178.00
Choice Strs & Hfrs: 165.00-176.00
Select : 152.00-164.00
Feeder heifers & hfrettes 104.00-150.00
Premium whites: 93.00-109.50
Cows: 75.00-110.00
Thin, Slow, Cripple
66.00 & Down
Bulls: 98.00-117.00
Thin, Slow, Cripple:
Hol Strs 1475#-1818# 146.00-150.00
Unloading hours for Fed Cattle Sale on Wednesday will be Tuesday 8 am to 8 pm
