Tama Livestock Auction
December 6 2023
766 HD

High Choice & Prime - 174.00-175.00
Top: 12 Heifers 1476- 175.00
Choice Strs & Hfrs: 162.00-173.00
Select : 152.00-161.00
Feeder Heifers & Heiferettes : 110.00-140.00
Premium whites (Fed Cows): 90.00-122.00
Cows: 77.00-107.00
Thin, Slow, Cripple
75.00 & Down
Bulls: 95.00-119.00
Thin, Slow, Cripple:
88.00 & Down

Highest fat cattle consignments:
12 Heifers 1476 - 175.00
11 Heifers 1362 - 174.75
17 Heifers 1516 - 174.00
6 Heifers 1304 - 174.00
3 Steers 1540 - 173.75
7 Heifers 1339 - 173.50
13 Heifers 1339 - 173.50
1 Steer 1585 - 173.50
28 Steers 1520 - 173.50
6 Heifers - 173.50
19 Heifers 1300 - 173.50

Fat Cattle Producers: To ensure the best price on your cattle please
keep your BQA up to date with us as well as having a signed Affidavit for National Beef
Unloading hours for Fed Cattle Sale on Wednesday will be Tuesday 8 am to 8 pm